Plastic Surgery vs Cosmetic Surgery Explained

Cosmetic plastic surgery is a growing industry in Singapore. There are one in every five women considering going for plastic surgery to improve their appearance. Singapore is becoming one of the major hubs for cosmetic surgery and this trend is growing more and more each day. There are many plastic surgery clinics sprouting at every corner. If you are considering going for plastic surgery, you need to know which plastic surgery clinic in Singapore is one that is reputed enough for you to trust.

An experienced and top plastic surgeon will be able to offer you sound advice and makes you feel that your needs are being heard. It is crucial that you feel understood and have all your doubts be put to rest before your surgery.

Botox, a tummy tuck, or facelifts all need a balance of technological advancement and communication between patient and surgeon. Plastic surgery should be about recapturing your self-confidence without the stress related to a lack of trust.

Everything You Need To Know About Rhinoplasty & Blepharoplasty

Many people want to look beautiful hence use different things to make themselves look their best. Some invest in branded make-ups to maintain different kinds of regimes. However, some people go beyond these methods and undergo surgeries in Singapore to permanently enhance how they look. Plastic surgery is a medical procedure that involves correcting or restoring the form and look of a particular body part.

Rhinoplasty is a popular surgical procedure, which is used to alter the shape of the nose while is double eyelid surgery cosmetic eyelid surgery that either creates an eyelid platform and an upper eyelid fold where none existed or improves an existing double fold.


Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is performed on the nose. If you are considering getting a nose reshaping surgery, it is important that you understand everything about the surgery to help you properly prepare. While there are different reasons why people may consider getting rhinoplasty, there are some common benefits that may potentially be enjoyed.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Perhaps the most common reason people get rhinoplasty is that of the potential to enhance their physical appearance. One of the many benefits you may experience as a result of your decision is a heightened sense of self-esteem. If you choose to get this treatment to change the way your nose currently looks, you may experience an increase in self-confidence.

Sleeping is nothing short of frustrating when you cannot breathe clearly. Fortunately, this procedure has the potential to relieve people of breathing problems which means they may receive a better night’s sleep as a result. If you can sleep easier after getting this treatment, you may have increased energy levels and find that you can accomplish more in a day.


Blepharoplasty also called eyelid surgery is a standout amongst the most popular non-essential surgeries. It is possible on the lower, upper, or both eyelids to give you a rested, more cautious appearance to your eyes.

If you have droopy eyelids, or wrinkles they can make you look as though you are overtired, matured, and even worried. Droopy eyelid surgery helps to tighten the wrinkles and uprooting unwanted fat on the eyelids, you can without much of a stretch look years more youthful once more.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

There are many benefits of this very surgery. Having this surgery will ensure you get a more refreshed look apart from this surgery also improves the balanced look of your face.

However, if you decide to choose any of these surgeries to improve your look, there are some things you should consider. It is crucial for you to get quotes from the different surgeons in your locality. Most importantly, know that health insurance does not cover any plastic surgery; hence you should consider measuring the risk before making any final decision.

If you are looking for plastic surgery in Singapore, the crucial element is to find an experienced female plastic surgeon singapore that you can trust to provide good results. Have realistic expectations and the right attitude. Then, you can select the best surgeon with whom you have a good rapport and undergo plastic surgery confidently.

In our next article, we shall discuss the various hair scalp treatments and why hair spa salons in Singapore are becoming popular. Stay tuned and check out our next post if you are keen to find out which are the best hair salons in Singapore for scalp treatment to prevent and treat hair loss.


Seeking Breast Lift Surgery In Singapore

What Does Breast Lift Surgery do for you

We all want to feel appreciated, adored, and loved. But unfortunately over time, due to aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations, the internal ligaments and the skin of women’s breasts lose their elasticity, making the breasts drop to a lower position and lost their perkiness. The change of the breast shape causes Singapore women to lose their self-esteem and confidence as well as being unhappy with their appearance due to the sagging breasts.  At some point in time, you may be thinking of getting a Breast Lift surgery done in Singapore.


What Is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is an effective surgical procedure that can be performed using a number of different techniques for the correction of deflated and sagging breasts. A breast lift surgery elevates a sagging breast, rebuilds the breast tissue, reposition the nipple, and tightens the skin as it elevates. With the help of a skilled plastic surgeon, the patient can regain the youthful aspect of their breast and enjoy a rejuvenated appearance. With the restoration of their youthful breast, women regain their self-confidence and regain their self-esteem.


Benefits of singapore Breast Lift surgery

If you like to learn more about some of the key benefits of breast lift surgery, we shall outline them here in this blog article. The outcome of a successful Breast Lift will be firmer and uplifted breasts. The position of your nipple and areolae (the darker skin surrounding the nipple) will also be enhanced. Breast lift is designed to relocate the nipples to a higher position and restore the original breast projection. For a patient who has uneven breasts, breast lift can make the breast more even in shape and size. The breast will definitely appear perkier as they become firmer and uplifted, and the shape and contour will be enhanced. When combine with breast augmentation, your breasts can gain volume and appear fuller.

A huge benefit of breast lift is the short recovery period. Most Singapore patients need less than a week to recover before returning to work and around 2 weeks for the incision to heal. In about 12 to 18 months, the scar will also fade away to a thin white line.


Best Candidates For A Breast Lift Surgery in Singapore

Every woman will have her own unique expectations and desired outcome of a Breast Lift.  The best candidates for breast lift surgery are healthy, emotionally stable women who have realistic expectations about what the surgery can achieve for them.

A woman who typically seeks Breast Lift surgery is one whose breasts have lost volume and are sagging due to aging, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and/or significant weight loss. The following are some of the common concerns that make you an ideal candidate for breast lift surgery:

  • Loss of firmness and skin elasticity.
  • A flat elongated shape when unsupported.
  • A pendulous shape or sagging
  • Asymmetry between the two breasts
  • Nipples that fall below the breast fold
  • Nipple/areola complexes that point downward
  • Nipple/areola sit below the crease underneath the breast
  • Stretched skin and enlarged areola

Women in Singapore who wish to increase the size of their breasts may want to consider combining breast lift surgery with breast implants.


Breast Lift Options available in singapore

Because each patient’s breast shape and condition are different, you will need to discuss with your Singapore plastic surgeon to come out with a tailored plan to address your unique goals and needs so that you can enjoy optimal breast lift results. Your cosmetic surgeon should propose the right surgical option for your needs and use the latest breast lift technique to help achieve your desired goals.


Breast Lift With Implants

If you’re considering undergoing breast lift surgery, choosing a Singapore cosmetic plastic surgeon is the most important decision you’ll need to make. Do your research to find out which Singapore plastic surgery clinic is one that is reputed enough for you to trust. When you visit some potential Singapore surgeons, ask how frequently he/she performs breast lift surgery and how many total procedures that surgeon has performed.

During your consultation with the potential surgeon, do not be shy to request to view the before and after photos.  Pay close attention to the results of those patients whose breasts before surgery look similar to yours—this will help you get a better grasp and feel for a surgeon’s aesthetic style.  A skilled Singapore plastic surgeon can create a more beautiful, proportional breast shape using techniques tailored to address a woman’s unique needs.